Hi, I’m Alex and I love movies. Ever since I was a kid, movies have been a source of entertainment, joy, and a sheer channel to admire art. I now live in the greater Los Angeles area, studying film, as I pursue my dream to become a part of the movie industry.
We are surrounded by all sizes of screens in todays day & age, which opens us up to even more avenues to view digital media. Be it a chart topping blockbuster released in theaters around the world, independent art festival films, documentaries from around the globe covering a vast range of subjects, animated movies, Netflix/Amazon/Hulu originals, YouTube student projects or handheld iPhone shorts straight to Instagram, we have never been more exposed to so much content, so easily available. With all these avenues also come ALL these opinions telling you what is worth your time. I, along with most people, get sucked into this cycle of relying on someones point of view before even giving it a fair chance to form an unbiased opinion.
Here is my simple & humble attempt at not telling you what was absolutely wrong with any of these movies/shows, but what I think was right, enjoyable, and an appreciation of artistic time & effort… it’s the Best Case Review!